How did we end up in this place Trying to survive a war that exist because of greed Living a life that is consumed by hate Attempting to find joy that has eluded us for centuries How did we end up in this place
We were once simple folks Once upon a time we saw the rainbows and the unicorns that skedaddled in the wind Now all we see is the dull black and white world As we chose to focus on the corruption, the deception, and the perfect complexion Completely ignoring the beauties in life Forcing you to ask how did we end up in this place
We were once from a world where the little children can go outside and play in peace Didn't have to worry about them ducking and covering praying this bullets didn't have their names written all over it Didn't have to worry about mysterious people trying to ****** them up and force them into the *** trade Once again forcing you to ask how did we end up in this place
We were once a family If not by blood by relations Starvation wasn't a thing that existed in our communities If food was something you could not afford your next door neighbor had your backΒ Offering you a four course meal even putting close on your back So tell me...if this is where we came from How did we...end up in this place