As the shape-all-sun tore up the curtain of blood and ululation, everything in Tunisia, as stricken by a wand, came to a standstill, and slipped away from the senses - Even rivers stopped.
Medjerda* froze halfway through his descent to his destination, as he realized he’d been making a fatal error: pouring forth all his passion into the ocean.
So he stopped, retracted his course, re-collected himself, and started flowing backward, toward the source in the Atlas that had bidden him farewell.
In his spear head there was a design: start a new chaos in the valley, in which there would be a sweet-water lake and sailors drunk with sunbeams, sweat and pleasure. Butterflies would flutter around the scent of mint and bluegreen rosemary. Through the flutter of the midnight hour Sweet Moon to Sweet Lake would come, unannounced, to watch her self shooting the act of representation.
Now swimming in his own water, th river carried the sky on his shoulder, while an ant and a grasshopper, holding a basket together, watched the new scene.
As the figure-all-sun appeared , reason melted; imagination her hazel eyes opened.
*Medjerda is the most important river in Tunisia. Length, 460 km; basin area, 22,000 sq km. It flows out of the Atlas mountains into the Gulf of Tunis.