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Feb 2017
If one race becomes ready to bear the rel brunt
Then at least seven races are saved from disaster
All those who do care in this regard come on front
The glory of the time only they dare to capture

Our forefathers taught us to survive head high
They were real soldiers whose footsteps we follow
Trained us to honorably live and gracefully die
All enemies to be cut to pieces to leave them hollow

I am a follower of footsteps of my valiant leaders
Till the other end of the world with zeal and zest
In the process I am ready to kiss very many altars
But still I maintain I am nothing they were the best

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Written by
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan  Abbottabad Pakistan
(Abbottabad Pakistan)   
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