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Feb 2017
Tell me, what is it like being the best and worst thing to ever happen to a person?  I used to be scared to cross the street because I knew I wouldn't care to stop and look both ways.  I would leave my car unlocked late at night and get back in without checking the backseat. And the ocean scared me because I always get ahead of myself.  I knew I would swim toward the horizon until my arms gave out. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it back to shore.  Growing up, I always had the trickiest time finding my pulse in gym class because it was so **** faint.  But I swear my heartbeat has never been near as profound as it is lying next to you.

Lover, please.. it's not too late to be gentle with one another.  I know things are hard and I know we have become broken.  I know two broken people aren't supposed to save each other, but what if that's wrong?  We, better than anyone, know the maps throughout one another's body, we know just where the cracks are.  What if we are both broken for the sole reason to mend one another?  My love, let me kiss you back together... Do you not want the same?

I need you to realize that the bottom of every bottle you drink will never be filled with love. Darling, please, put the bottles down... I know it seems like it's been raining for weeks, but I promise there is sunshine coming soon.  

I hope you know every time you smile the entire room lights up.  I hope you know simply thinking of your laugh is making me smile, now.  You made a broken girl write love poems when all she thought she was cut out for was over dramatic suicide letters.  And trust me, she swore that day would never come...

One day, I hope we can stand together at the top of the tallest building; and not wonder what it feels like to hit the ground.
And even still, I am warm
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