I was walking along the brook, landed in one of them corn mazes from the books. I started running, started funning, 'till I gone and ran into a corn stalk, I hit it so hard I forgot how to talk, I could barely walk. It don't matter, just started going faster. Well I found my way to the end, but across the field I saw a radish bend. Ah well, I guess its the weekend, and Id rather run the radishes than come to an end. And I ran, oh yes I ran. I ran here, I ran there, in the sky, nearly trampled a guy...
Yeah he was yellin', at me, I said whats up. And then he says this, he says: I own these here radishes, Go on ***, get outta mah FaRm. Then, I dunno, I guess I was just really cool, I was able to convince him, that this here, was my farm. And that's the story of my farm.