There is no way for you to know it, but For me to say it, write it like I mean it, A revelation, a firm oath, telling things like: "My stubborn heart is a parked automobile Waiting to be towed away by you."
Because the word "Wait" can be deceiving. To lie at our Homeland beach in the summer Of 2017 could mean patience or indulgence. To fall in line on a counter could mean Paying or just plain getting. And to sit at a bus stop could mean Going home or leaving things behind.
And so this pen tries and tries and tries And (because King Jehoash stopped short) Tries and tries and tries some more To be a decent bouquet of flowers Or an acoustic cover of a love song Or a bag of truffles I never once tasted, Though you don't even notice.
Dearest, I'd rather pursue you With all that I got knowing full well That I can possibly fail than to stop short And spare my self from shame. I cannot go half-hearted. I'm all in. And I'm here to win your heart.