I had slivers in my knees From crawling on wooden floors, I had blistered thumbs From holding on so tight So don't tell me I let it happen
I stayed up all night, Just trying to catch my breath, Clawing at the air, Begging for wind To pick me up So don't tell me I let it happen
I was gagging over a ceramic bowl With broken tile under my thighs And I was still telling myself I was gonna rise So don't tell me I gave up
I woke up in a cold sweat, But I woke up, And I woke up, And I woke up, So don't tell me I gave up
I panicked in every corner Of every room And every alley way From here to Hell And back again But I kept on ******* going So don't tell me I fell short On promises
I did everything I could And when I couldn't I did it anyway So don't tell me I fell short On promises
I sat in a lukewarm bathtub With dry veins Praying I leaked The poison from my Exhausted skin So don't tell me I didn't bleed enough
I coughed up crimson From all the screaming Muffled into a pillow After hours under pressure So don't tell me I didn't bleed enough
Some things are hopeless, But not worthless
There is value In the process
I didn't make it Not yet And maybe I never will But I'm strong And sturdy And unafraid All the same