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Jan 2017
The world moves too fast
Yesterdays in
Is today’s out
Keeping up
Seems like an impossible task
But hey, I’m finally losing that extra weight!

I don’t think this life is quite for me
Apathetic to the worries around
Inspiration and motivation are nowhere be found
Daily live
Nothing but a struggle to survive
To see tomorrow’s Sunrise

In & Out
People go from each other’s lives without a second thought
Exchanging hands,
Promising vows,
Shedding tears,
Making laughter,
Expressing heart,
With a lazy sigh and the turning of wheels
A slow realization begins to form

The world
Moving too fast
Yesterdays in
Today’s out
Keeping up
Seems like an impossible task
But hey,

On days like today
When the world takes a moment to breath
During what seems like pointless hours ticking by

As I lay around waiting for something to happen
Watching the clouds and birds fly high
I can truly say
I’m grateful to be alive

The tickling of rain drops
Racing down a transparent window
A silent voice
Calls through
To witness the simple things take form
Is when I feel most alive
Written by
Holic  25/Cisgender Female
(25/Cisgender Female)   
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