My heart shines as the moon does At times quiet and peaceful Reliable and for granted taken Silent and beautiful and ignored
A waxing and waning cycle Once, full bodied and glowing Light to find love and other hapinesses Too brief a joy it brings
For waning must always come Twice, dark, black as deepest night Unseen in the backdrop of sharp stars Leaving a world wrapped in shadow
But not so constant are cardiac turnings Not regular as lunar comings and goings Glowing for a day and shadowed for a month Black for a week and shinning for a year
Yet just as the moon at times changes Glowing big bright and red in the sky So to does the heart at times change A most wondrous change it is
Thrice, bursting bright from my chest Burning bright and fierce to beat the sun Just as the coming fall of giant Betelgeuse Nothing could dim the radiant glory
Once more, dim past dark Blacker than black and blacker again Drawing light from all like a singularity What could hope to live with such darkness
I sit now on the waxing Or is it waning? Anticipation for the glow on my right Dread for the darkness on my left Which comes? Which comes?