Another winter and it is as cold as Jack frost ever did Bring With an icy Bling Jack laughed and he sang A winter cold with signature ice-cycles as his calling card... After the Joy of Christmas had come and it had gone.. The aftermath of such lie in the trash waiting to be hauled from your frosty back yard. Three to four grooling months his vengeance is well played. Until you plan and prepare through the warmer seasons Until you can hit him in the cold spot In warmth as you are the one who can now shout and to him, taunt. Jack,frost, Jack Frost, He is our cold dead hand. If he cannot get me I've broken his seasonal song and broke up his band. Good ole' yoko uno was not a factor, here, to break up your band. Jack, my friend, here's to my warmed environment To you with the eager eyes sitting out in your cold I hope your icy fingers break off on the **** you once chilled as I broke your game and watched as IT WAS YOU who STILL LOSE and Grow COLDER!