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Jan 2017
The mirror in my bedroom
is a ruthless killer
It kills without any remorse
chopping you in half,
in the blink of an eye.
Then it's even more visible
as a carefree psychotic
peeling the skin,
keeping for itself,
feeding on the flesh and blood
and storing them too
only to curtain the act & fact
by snatching the dead bones
freeing you at its will
with a plan
which is the most horrific.

And it doesn't stop there.
It further creates a new person
out of your death
thus, trapping your remnant soul forever
It's just the beginning.
Then, it starts killing a death
Daipayan Nair
Written by
Daipayan Nair  Silchar, Assam, India
(Silchar, Assam, India)   
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