So you don't see your kids,
You have no job
Poor you,
You're a slob
Im a 90lb woman,
Call me snob
While I wait tables,
At two friggin jobs
I support my kid,
And I do it by myself
I don't call my momma,
For a ride to somewhere else
Sorry If I seem dismissive,
Or unsympathetic
But don't expect me,
To pity the pathetic
If you don't care,
Why should I?
Spending money,
On the pills you buy
Pity yourself,
Then ask,"Why"
You have no car,
No life, you don't try
Yea, I do understand,
It's addiction
So get some help,
Dont blame, for your affliction
If an idiot like me can do it,
You can do it too
Raise your own kids,
Get a job, you fool
Yea, I was
But I got off my ***,
And I did it, "cuz"
I had nothing
No family, no friends
And I worked my **** off
For a means to an end
I grow so tired,
Of all the excuses
Some people give
To justify abuses,
I hear my baby cry
Every friggin day
For a dead beat dad
Who just walked away
Forgive me,
If I seem "uptight"
But wrong is wrong,
And right is still right
God help it, I know,
I'm no better than anyone else
But no one can help you,
Till you help yourself
Forgive my harshness. I'm just a silly waitress. But I know loss, addiction, and having nothing. To see a kid cry for a drug addict parent and to have the parent say," poor me" really gets at me. Maybe I'm wrong. If I am, oh well. It isnt the first time, wont be the last.