You raise the flag of rage. You rise to spit your hate. I feel the venom of your pain. Why do you spend it that way?
Please don’t make me bury my brother. Soft dirt moved to fully cover the dried brown ground they put us all under. Please don’t make me bury my brother.
You’ve got loads of bullets. You’ve got armor piercing type. You’ve got the will to spend them and reap their red counterfeit.
Please don’t make me bury my brother. Soft dirt moved to fully cover the dried brown ground they put us all under. Please don’t make me bury my brother.
You say that you’re an American patriot. You say you’re a cowboy soldier. You say you want to save this country with the blood of those who oppose you.
Please don’t make me bury my brother. Soft dirt moved to fully cover the dried brown ground they put us all under. Please don’t make me bury my brother.
One day you will have to face it all the hate and faith you misplaced it. Bullets spray shred red rays right through it when you finally make me do it.
Please don’t make me bury my brother Soft dirt moved to fully cover the dried brown ground they put us all under. Why do I have to bury you my brother?