Even though I struggle through the storm, and waves of sorrow crash over me. And even though right now I am a solitary figure upon the shore. Eventually... the calm will come. And there will be joy and rest again.
Even though I ***** my way through the dark valley, and see no light ahead. And even though my heart is filled with regret. Eventually... the dawn will break. And my days will be hopeful and bright.
Even though the path of my life has taken a turn I did not expect, and I know not what lies ahead. I will put my trust in my Saviour and Lord.
Even though this trial may be long. Eventually... I will burst forth shouting a new song.
And eventually... This too. Shall pass.
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me." (Psalm 23:4)