it will be some time when I leave this mortal coil behind before they discover the sack of bones and translucent skin a putrid puddle of mixed blood and body decay and this is how I will be remembered after 65, 70...maybe 75 years of absorbing vast amounts of sideways smiles, false nods and scripted ******* that our daily routines have become it will be some time because I will choose to die alone so those formalities are not required on a daily basis those lies will not come automatic on the rare occasions when I must endure another of my own species I am not built for small talk, chit chat or breeze shooting I am a tv with a few bad pixels a record that skips an oldie that you never quite knew the words to I must have been born a second later than the universe had planned because as normal as I once believed I was something is off just ask any other bot that has spent more than a week with me it will be some time because I think I may have gotten a larger dose of DNA that ET is adding to our OJ perhaps a test to see what would happen if they jumped the gun a bit say 200 years the neighbor called it in when she saw I hadn't left for work in a few weeks or maybe a few months gonna be hell cleaning these wooden floors