To whom it May Concern, If dont have the spirit to disrcen. You will not be able to understand us or learn. We can take you to the point of no return. Just as the skin being torched by sun, you can feel the burn.
You feed into us Everyday. Especially when you listen to what other people say. Like shiny new toys, on your heart and mind we will play. More often than not we will have you feeling some type of way. Like obstacles you face in your walkway to overcome us you must pray. We are like the waves of the oceans Moving you left to right, upside down and round and around in a pattern of commotion. Like a force we direct your feelings as the river's current that causes a hostile motion. We tend to change like the weather we have no devotion. We can be magical or posionous like spells to secert potions. Sincerely Your, Emotions