Feels like I'm running in place sweating, but the treadmill is limiting my space I wish I could but I can't see the future and if I did, I probably hate it find myself debating with the voice inside my head and that's absurd Because I'm sane completely sane yes, I know, I hear sometimes some chattering but it's usually because I'm dreaming
But I'm still sane I mean sometimes, I feel loneliness creeping up my spine like a spider with eight legs, wrapping itself around my heart squeezing my soul and refusing to let go But I'm sane
I feel fine I know... I know sometimes, I feel the need to shout aloud in the middle of a nice restaurant, in front of a crowd the need expands until I just have to run outside but I'm still sane
I pray to find peace of mind and pray to those who asked me, 'how was I' I find a few friends to unclench my soul and take a deep breath to ward off feeling alone I say, I'm fine and I'm good, I'm not lost, just momentarily confused But I'm Sane, completely sane You know how I know? Because when I look at you, I see the same Pain.