we’re always waiting. we’re always waiting for tomorrow or the next we’re always waiting for high school to be over just so we could wait for college to be over just so we could wait until we’re married and then we have a family. so we have our whole life figured out? but we never stop waiting we wait for more money so we can buy more expensive cars or a bigger house we wait for vacations off work because we’re working too **** hard and somewhere between all this waiting we seem to miss time passing by our faces show the sign of it and kids get taller by every minute we begin to wonder whats the point but we wait for even that we wait until we find the meaning as if it takes waiting to find yet we’ll never really find it and so we’re never satisfied we assume waiting will fill the emptiness bring us joys and things we lack but it only pushes time ahead and leaves our souls dragging behind and when our bones become too weak and our bodies ache for rest we’ll even wait for that for the day that is our last