Okay, so you didn't have the answers Not that I really expected it to be that easy But like torn notebook paper clutched in your hands, you had clues Lovingly, you opened your palm to share them with me Now it's time to debrief on the wisdom I've received
It's not that I want to be where my head is at. It's that I'm so very tired And clawing out will take so very much energy That it seems I'm better off staying than fighting
I have to learn how to live for myself Because if you give until there's nothing left, You're well and truly gone I have to learn how to cry How to not be abused
I have to figure out what's left behind the smile
No one's okay You've both tried to **** yourselves one, two times It's not going to get better Everyday is going to be a fight, to choose to be okay
But as much of a catastrophe as life is there's going to be some pretty amazing things along the way you promised
Find those moments, hug them to your chest until they melt through your skin and lend warmth to your heart Breathe space into your life
You're a badass, you say Look in the mirror each day and remind yourself that
This world would be missing so much light if you chose to leave it