Is it already that time of year again Seems like yesterday I took down all the Christmas lights And packed them all away
So here I am pulling them out again And what do you think I find They must have had a wrestling match As it's a mass of tangled lights
After an hour or two I'm about through From pulling one strand at a time Where I also find in their box fight They punched out each others lights
This really can't get any better Merry Christmas to me As I head to the store for a bakers dozen or more Under the guise of buy one get one free
Back home just in time to hang the new lights I find the 22 foot ladder Climb up to the top in time to remember I forgot To first empty out my bladder
With my job through in the Loo and back up on the roof Looking down at the lights on the ground Of course in my haste I forgot to take Them with me on the second go round
So it's back up the ladder with lights and empty bladder As the sun is sinking low And here I am now with more of a scowl Than a Merry ** ** **
Doing the best that I can with what little light there is left When not far off I hear the sound Is it Santa I wonder, no it's coming thunder Just as I notice my ladder on the ground And my family out of town With little doubt here comes the scowl Merry Christmas to me now