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Dec 2016
Scripturient means violently word obsessed.
How can someone obsessed with words
Not be violent, but not the way you think?
I am scripturient. The molecules that compose
My very blood are the same bits of iron from
A dynasty of stars that lived and died and
Shone their light and faded...some of them exploded.
Exploding stars-violence engineered in my DNA.
But that is everyone. Man. Woman. Whatever.
Violently word obsessed is in my mind.
In the (fictional?) rise and fall of universes.
All the ends and beginnings. Man vs. man.
Man vs. nature. Man vs. God. Man vs. self.
Make and unmake. Heal and then break.
History will dryly report the fall of the Roman Empire,
I will tell you of the last emperor who watched
The world he'd known crumble into ashes.
History will tell you of the Greek Fire used
In the defense of Constantinople.
I will tell you of the fire's reflection in the sea
And the distortions made in the reflection
As men dive into the salt water to escape the flame.
History will tell you what people have done;
I will tell you who they are. The truth is, if
I'm going to be honest, then my words will likely
Be violent. It's not just wars; it's the people who
Shatter each other every day, whether unintentionally
Or for sport. It is the little lie or the denied truth.
Our own minds often torture us. I am word obsessed.
I am scripturient. I came across the word as meaning
"Word obsessed," but then I learned that it meant
"Violently word obsessed." I denied it for a while,
But, if you want to tell the truth of humanity,
You must be violent. Bits of raging stardust
Who can never seem to be at peace. That's us.
Man vs man. Man vs. nature. Man vs. God. Man vs. self.
"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality." -Edgar Allan Poe
Mica Kluge
Written by
Mica Kluge  25/F/Appalachia
     Walter W Hoelbling and ---
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