Thou didst guard me, Amulet-- Talisman, whose destruction I regret. Thy spell held me in eternal safety. Never was I alone,Β Β when thou wert with me. I gave up thy secret to the sorcerer, for promise of a gift he could not deliver. Poor bargain, and I am now wiser and would not trade treasure for lowly desire. The sorcerer broke my talisman, and I was broken, and now alone, I stand. Too late I realized my error and was stricken with mortal terror. On the bridge I screamed, above the frozen river, under a sunless sky, facing a void forever.
Don't know why I wrote it in a pidgin version of Middle English. It's a true story. But eventually I was able to fashion reasonable facsimiles of the Talisman, and they occasionally appear in my poems.