Thank you for seeing fit to making simple me wonderful and beautifully. I've left you, walked away. There were Times when I have forgotten to pray. I cursed you when trials have come my way. Forgetting that you were always right there for me. Waiting with open arms so pure and holy. This is what I call a true love story. The Evidence is in your majestic glory. Thank you God for eyes to see as I look around and take in your artistic creativity. Look at The birds and the bees Even The sun, the moon, the stars, andΒ Β the trees. Thank you father for separating the land from the sea. Thank you for sending Jesus to dying upon the cross so we might have life more Abundantly. But more most Importantly I Thank You God for loving little old me Unconditionally. Thank God for who you called me to be. A woman who's motherly ears hear the sound of her child's cry as thier life I bare. Thank you Father for my ears so that when you call upon me your voice i will hear. When I felt alone your presence filled the room to let me know you were always right there. There was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Even when I felt so far away from you you were always near. Thank you catching the rivers flowing from my face called tears. Thank you for these past 28 adventurous years. Thank you bringing me thru the struggle, You never gave up on me no matter how many times I would fall down or buckle. Thank You Father for a mouth to speak. So when I became weak I use this technique; I fuse my mouth and heart together so in you I will seek To gain strength in my spiritual physique. Walking with you I am constantly being critiqued but thats what sets me apart and makes me uniquely mystique. Thank you Father for my brain so I can think. Giving me the power to move my body and be able to blink upon instinct. Together My brain, heart, and mouth become in sync, Then the physical can develop into one link.