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Oct 2016
Baby bump, little baby bump
She is so happy, very very happy
It is her first time to be a mom
And she doesn't want to be ******

She's excited to see her 1st born
9 months, it will take 9 months
Girl or boy, sure she will adore
9 months, it is only for 9 months

Everyday she talks to her angel
Sings a song or tells a story
She always wispher Mommy loves you baby
Wanting to reassure the little angel

Days are fast and the long wait is over
The gift of life is about to be unwrap
Little angel is about to be born
Little angel will bring smile to the world

The sky is beginning to light up
But there are still stars dispersed in the firmament
In the vast universe, a new gift carying her blood
She's so moved that she couldn’t stop crying

What a lovely sound she heard
The first cry sounded like an angel’s trumphet
The most beautiful melody of the moment
The music of the gift of life
Firts cry, confirmation of life and validation of her motherhood.
Written by
Isabelle  25/F/Philippines
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