i remember trying to convince you when you were at 50/50 to take me back when you're the one that broke my heart i remember begging and now i am mad IM MAD AT MYSELF cause like you said i have no control i have no control of my thoughts even that i didn't know what was wrong last night i don't know YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE but i'm afraid you will leave not for someone else not because you got bored but because you can't handle me you don't love me anymore well what is love when it's disappeared love stays forever it doesn't fade i remember when you said you were afraid you didn't love me anymore well now i'm afraid im so afraid im on my toes telling myself to expect the unexpected im so scared of you leaving cause when i look at you i get this burst of feeling i can't describe in words but ill try like someone lit a warm fire inside my chest and my heart starts beating fast and i just want to blurt "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" and that's not even close to how i feel ME LOVING YOU IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT i cannot fathom how much i love you i know you feel love for me but sometimes i wonder if it's the same thing "does he feel like this all the time?" "does he think about me as much as i think about him" "does he always think of me as the love of his life or only in the good moments" all these questions toss and turn in my brain i can't decipher any of it so i go insane and then i shut down and that's why i shut you out because sometimes it's too much time and too much thought and i can't handle the thought of losing you and i don't want to hear words i want to see i want to be proven to me that you won't leave me anymore and you have been doing that but i guess it's just me being irrational cause you're too perfect to me