We have what my children perceive as a secret door, it is no bigger than two foot by two foot. Yet with moments I shudder at the prospect of even clenching the handle to this dark abode.
My children's first nights when we original in the moments of living within this new place. my daughter of 7 years, walked in to our bedroom saying, mummydaddyI cant sleep, we ushered her into slumber eager for sleep.
But days collapsed to the falling night , and once again on our daughters younger in age climbed restless into our comforting bed. "Mummy,Daddy we cant sleep, asking in innocence "why my little one,
"Because the man in the corner said its not our right to sleep in this house,
I played possum and went into the room and said two or more things, "You know who I am and what I can do, "Leave them in peace of fear me, I know of what I speak even though I don't see.
You see my mother was old school energy, stones that kind of thing. Me I'm an atheist, but I know that there are energies malignant, sentient, who knows but they mess with my kids they collide with me.