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Sep 2016
I only have an average of 265 seconds to satisfy
Barely enough time to be abused
by you and the news of your very
convincing communism carelessly crammed
into my covered up moo cow ears
and Iā€™m about to fly away to Tunisia
while you war with yourself about being
right triumphantly talking over me
in insults without any rules which is capitally rude
and you seem to be clearly insane to my innocent brain
but I need to believe that people exist as
lavender scented babies learning to walk while
my no contest continues and during these
career years here I'm still surprised by that
one person deaf to love
claiming I represent some unpatriotic
profit motive conspiracy instead of
owning up to the simple fact that
poor planning on their part doesn't
constitute an emergency on my time

Written by Sara Fielder Ā© Sept 2015
Sara Went Sailing
Written by
Sara Went Sailing  Bohemia
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