I blew away the seed head on my dandelion flower so that it could blow away and possibly colonize the soil and make a new. I found it on a particularly hot autumn day. I was walking around enjoying my self. The sights, the smells, then my eyes found you. I was reluctant at first to approach... but I decided to test my luck.
See it's a certain technique you have to have with these things be too hard and well... you'll lose it all. It'll all go away. Be too soft and you won't get anywhere and have your time wasted and still risk losing it. But with just the right amount of force you can have it hold it right there in your hands. Luckily for me I was always good with my hands, so my prize was that I could claim you just temporarily as my own. I proceeded with my day, still with you by my side. Finally, made it home. I put you by the window in vase. I can be a bit airy so it quickly came to my attention that every time the wind blew I could lose you, I could have it all gone, taken away. One day the window jammed and had to stay down, I though to myself ok great, I won't lose you now but then a new threat raised... the **** opening and closing of the door. I moved it to my room where there was no sunlight, no wind, just space. But oddly this thing just didn't like it there, it was a true wildflower and had to have it's way. So I let it. Besides I went through this much trouble so far. Time went on and day by day the fascination of my catch dwindled. I could tell my time with it was coming to an end so of course one last hooray was in order! It was loads of fun, I relished in my victory.
I blew away the seed head on my dandelion flower so that it could blow away and possibly colonize the soil and make a new. I found it on a particularly hot autumn day. I was walking around enjoying my self. The sights, the smells, then my eyes found... and I bet you never knew that this poem was about you.