Don't tell me how I should think, Feel, Act, Or look I'm not a reflection of your perception And I won't ever be
You can't decide someone elses identity, personality or style It's their own to define Don't take that from us
I'm sick of feeling like an outcast for trying to be me, We should really celebrate each others differences, Those are what makes us unique
You can stop trying to dictate my life, My way and my being, I'd rather be outside of your ideal, Than be repressed under your glorification
My creative soul dies held captive, And it blooms in freedom I don't feel free under your judgement, But I don't live to please you either...
One day I'll be gone, And if I die suiting your reality, I've been dead all along If I die creating my own reality, I've never been more alive, Even on the day I die.
So dear society,
Don't tell me how to feel, Act, Or look, I'm done being a reflection of your perception And I won't ever be that again...