We are but two ships Passing each other by the window pane on separate decks Searching for the ocean Following it's current
The river Unaware of liberation All that it brings, Heading in separate directions The ocean A total motion of embodiment were we predominantly a reflection seen from someone else's eyes sincere in depth The weight of gravity
Coming to full circle A skeleton of divine mystery Putting on a different voice Another tone all together The influence of religion Grounded by an unseen author Whom draws the ocean Whom draws the river
The biggest joke confronted by truth Sooner or later they connect Sooner or later the current becomes to strong
Now older
Bearded and gray
Staring into the horizon
Hard boiled sun smothered by the loathe of birds
Was this in fact a reliable paradise
Something to tend to
Something to care for
This body of water symbolizing longevity
A level of reflection
Is paradise just a place we build in our minds to keep ourselves from reality