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Sep 2016
I am on the site now
To call for prayer & praise!
My father's in the woods again
In hospital for days
I'm trying to be strong now
But feel a little dazed
I need the Holy Spirit
With Him I'm unfazed

My dad is in a lot of pain
He's blind in the right eye
Something has gone very wrong
As yet we don't know why
He is very stoic
But something's gone awry
He's 91, a veteran
A real stand-up guy

They don't want optic surgery
As he's so elderly
There must be a solution but
We don't know what it could be!
They may have to put him under
Danger to a high degree
They'll replace the cornea
So again he'll see!

This, and so much more in life
Causes us to plod
But there is One to help us
Him I will applaud!
He is ever faithful...

*Jesus Christ our GOD!
I'm not going to be on site again for a while. I will try to read later today, but I'm calling on a lot of people to pray for my father. He's in the hospital again, with tremendous pain in his right eye. This man is stoic... hardly ever complains. So his eye must really hurt!

I'm asking for prayers and good thoughts again... and praise for the Most High! He alone holds the solution! Thank you!

♡ Catherine
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