this cant be it this cant be my life surrounded by red bubbles and C- on all my papers some math teacher checking out their high school students some even falling for it because they think its love "he only treats me like that in bed" turns into "he only hits me when hes drunk" this cant be all that I'm living for this cant be my life trading secrets and rumors trying to be one of the "cool kids" smoking some 5$ **** i bought from my principle until my eyes can only see the blurred lines of my sexuality that I am not supposed to question My brain thinks of my body image like its crack, My body covered of stretch marks and bad tan lines, this cant be the way its supposed to be this cant be my life id rather be hit by a car than go to school, and I'd bet I'm not the only student that thinks about killing themselves so they dont have to do homework or get called on in class This cant be my life This cant be your life And this cant be our life But that's how it is, and it wont ever change.