Hatred, it seems, is plaguing my lungs And dramatically piercing my tongue I am hopelessly confused: Where do these bullet shaped words come from? What is the purpose of this deadly Thought constructed weaponry that spills So effortlessly from my oral cavity? Why is it that I allow the calvary to permeate My filter solely designed to avoid anguish? Am I compensating for the damage inflicted upon me? Compensating for the time I so willingly gave To fuel my addiction to consistency?
Can I say, "******, this suffering is enough!"?
Hope, it seems, ****** my mind With its irritating relentless plea for attention Attention I must provide If only because I the cry for notice All too well; like the back of my hand Because in a world so fueled by hate, So fueled by the concept of good always ending We all need to be seen A pain of the past causes too many pains For the future, but Even when it seems impossible A chin will be lifted by a hand that whispers, "I see you And I hear"