It's been a long time Since we talked. And even though I am certain This will never fall upon Your porcelain ears, I need to say this anyway.
I have never loved anyone The way my heart burst From my chest at only The mention of your name. And sometimes I feel like There isn't another name I could love.
You knew the battlefield I was raised on. You saw first hand the Wasteland and chose to love me When I couldn't even love myself.
The nights when the darkness Swelled inside me and I shattered Like glass against pavement. You held me tight and made Me feel like I could lay roots In your arms.
Had I realized sooner that you Were a porcelain painted hatchet With only the intention of tearing MY Roots from MY sanity, I could have grown harder bark.
You decided to chase another Man's affection while still holding So tightly to mine. I wish you could have been honest And let me free the right way.
You made me into a villain instead. A nuclear wasteland of your bad Decisions and scorned my name In your history books as 'a toxic tragedy'
I no longer ache When your name comes up In conversation. I even talk to your best friends Regularly.
This will be the last time I write to you. And I hope from the bottom of my heart That you find whatever you need To be happy.
I only wish you would have known My heart well enough to know that I would have let you go if you only asked.