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Aug 2016
"We meet again Little Bear..
not so brave today
are we"....

With one lumbering movement
it.. dragon .. steps forward
it's arm raised
ready to strike

swiftly i step out of it's path
and into the center of the room
where upon i realise
it's manipulation
and my mistake

dragon now blocks
and seals
my only exit

it's eyes find me again
tracking my every move
circling me
isolating me

i turn in time
keeping it in view
and i watch helplessly
as it stalks me

round and around

round and around

"I knew it would come to thisss...
just you and I"* it hisses

I hold my sword
and stand my ground

but the weight
makes my wrists tremble
my grip tightens
but my fingers are weak
and i cannot help but painfully
lower my weapon

it's eyes flit to my hands
and then instantly
back to watching me
it sees my struggle
and finds delight
in my weakness

"You are no match for me Little Bear
no match at all.."
dragon laughs wickedly

"You are not even fair game..
this is all too easy"
it scratches it's scraggy chin
with a long bony claw

"run for me Little Bear


so i can catch you"
the words slaver from it's lips

"I won't run for you...
or from you"
but my voice trembles
betraying my words

"Oh...? but i think you will"
it's face grins wide
and it's tongue
licks it's teeth

It's eyes never leave mine
as it clicks it's fingers

and a child stumbles out
blind and bound
from the darkness behind.

part one

part two
Little Bear
Written by
Little Bear
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