did they think not their secret would be found silly of them to think their lie could endure planted beneath a sycamore a quite shame bounds the two of them forever obscure to live life in shame hounded by hell's hounds without a bone to barter their futures bleak for sure living life's regrets standing on hollow ground beneath a sycamore where wild flowers spoor a note of regret for who soever shall find whim hangs their life and dreams dancing on the wind
This poem is about the degeneration of the human soul caused by the continuing practice of
Which eviscerates the soul of man leaving him a crumbled mess entirely opposite of what God intended. There is no prompt or inspiration that lead to this. It just formed, I am only the vessel. Abortion leaves an indelible bane upon us as universal beings. Fact: Not so long ago we use take the female newborn outback and bury under a tree. Now we got abortion pills. There is a war going on right before our eyes. The War of Procreation. Will the next Coming of God be lost in its shuffle?