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Aug 2016
times getting closer listen well
end of times in nearer than one thought

being called home is no lie
soon the horizon will change
life as one knew it will forever change

death camps coming water winding down
by plan not being natural weather
got changed by man chemicals

changing the position of the
coming rain for the west

rain not coming either
trains to the death comp
are in place to depopulate

a large mass of people in these United States.
Graves already dug caskets lined up in rows
guillotines sharpened in place too.

This change is less than a year away
my words are true about Agenda 21 check
yourself on the internet.

By the way the chip is next red 666 on the arm if you refuse
no buying or selling or trading.

If you take the chip you will lose your soul and
never see God.
If you still refuse the other choice is head chopping
with the guillotines
End times
Written by
Betty Redd
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