It shines by and to the sides of my eyes but only until I’d look up to see it Fully
It has never been there maybe!
or is it its nature to just disappear when and because I look up ?
or are we playing a game of kika boo to test a rhyming faith?
which could become a melody to the lines of darkness uncloaking us
once or thrice does not seem matter to the form of my observation
sheltering in a multicolored ice
Catch this subtle point of luminosity Now ! - If you can
and once you have it Set it free or Stay there as if meditating on headstand and clear your mind
before night diffuses into light and shines through a crystal with a hidden star inside
I cannot prove If eyes are not be made of its material and only a deluded mind -Alas ! questions
such useless doubt of difference of the other by the other about the other
And the other always and only drowning in the corridors of beliefs and thought-constructs
but Is it not pointless Trying to catch a star Camouflaged in daylight ? ... and sometimes recklessly at the tip of my nose makes me giggle just as if a **** tickle at a mystic corner on a lover’s lip longing for its kiss variant
then I look down again Tired of the silly mind game Just to feel it by my side A sweet friend A sweet love Made of my trust Only appears to the side of my eyes So what! A needle tip sized glitter sourceless Living only in the reflection of the reflection of a night sky Shining on my window behind which I hide now