when you’re depressed you can get people to mix you Arnold Palmers or even John Dalys if you ask nicely then you can get drunk without anyone giving you **** because all good depressed people drown their grief with ***** and all good depressed people die silently in doleful cloud without drawing attention from burping too loudly or collapsing on a street corner no pain should be silent with a tall glass of sweetened tea a couple shots of ***** and a pencil writing furiously the last thoughts the last rights the stencil of the moon because all that will be left will be a memory of you standing naked in the mall screaming I love you John Daly!!! Take me with you!!! unfortunately John Daly isn’t god and he can’t zap you from this earth no matter how much you scream you will always be a ghost on fire drunk and afraid wailing through the atmosphere like a cat being held by its tail you the definition of good depressed people