He worked, all bent And sweat of brow. It's how his life went He remembers it now. He was told consistently Since his early childhood “Hard work earns rewards.” He believed as a child would.
He believed in the dream And worked hard most days Saving whatever he could Economizing in many ways. There were no vacations No brand new automobile. He was sure in time he'd see His debts brought to heel.
He bought a modest shack For his wife and their children. Nothing fancy, rather tight, In no way was it modern. But it was a roof, and safety A harbor at the end of day. That sadly came to an end. The economy took it all away.
He still wants to believe The dream he believed in But now he and his family Have no house to live in. He feels someone lied to him And they are doing so still. Now he is angry at those Who wrote such awful bills.