Before I became a woman, life was just a collection of childish adventures Playing "ten-ten" in the evening, oblivious to the chickens coming home to roost. "Always" was just another word and the only cramps I experienced were those that resulted from climbing too many trees. Barry was just "the boy with the big head" and Joseph was my "play-play" husband. "Hide and seek" was not a game of hearts and cartoons always had a moral lesson. *** was an example of a "three letter word" and life was so simple without having to wear a bra. Before I became a woman, fathers were always the men and wives were always women. Nobody confused those roles becaue "Ali" was always the boy and "Simbi" was the girl "Adam was to Eve" as pencil was to eraser.
Before I became a woman, foolishness was not sold on TV because the truth was preached in black and white. A ten year old was still her mother's baby not bride of bearded old man. Children were going to be leaders of tomorrow, "Twerk" was not an example of a verb because Hannah Montana still had her clothes on. The boys didn't stop to stare and tease because I was unripe for harvest. Sunday school was about "How the fish ate Jonah" and not about Salem my newest "crush." Before I became a woman, I wanted to marry a doctor, pilot, Jack Sparrow, or the boy next door. Then I grew up...
When I became a woman, Life took on a new meaning A collection of choices and decisions. The boys didn't want to play no more and mama said I had to be lady. Sally and Amina didn't want to talk anymore because puberty had reared its head and boys were more interesting than our games of old. When I became a woman, I learnt about purpose and the ills of society I stepped back and saw that little girl gradually fade away. I did not try to run after her, her part in my life was over. I watched her go with a mixture of pain and happiness I stepped into my woman suit and made my own mistakes. I cried my own tears and bandaged my own wounds I knew now that life was only fair to those who never gave up.
Now lipsticks and mascara have replaced a lot of play things. Now I am woman and I want to marry ambition, guts and a man who is not too proud to believe in God. Now I am a woman but no child is still a leader. Now I am a woman and I own my mistakes Now I am a woman and I am not afraid to love, live or pray. Now I am a woman but I have more than a figure eight. Now I am a woman and I understand my mother better.
I pray for you young girl, may you have the courage to wave childhood goodbye when the sounds of womanhood begin to reach your ears May you be brave enough to miss a game of hopscotch so you can catch a train to destiny. And when you are ripe for marriage may you not look for a man that will validate your existence. Put away childishness as you wait for that boy that has become a MAN WHEN YOU BECOME A WOMAN.