Ideally I would have been born in France and I would sit now sipping wine and writing, on a river’s shore… But what can I do? My soul got lost on his way there In a land of beautiful contradictions! And I found here more life passion than a glass can harbor.
Ideally I would be married with children by now, But I chose to live a life and not a pattern. And with life you cannot foresee the next steps.
Ideally I would still be teaching, giving as gift all I know, but instead of just knowledge I wanted to share pieces of my soul.
And ideally a prince would show up at my door No white horse, Just him, hands full of honesty! But instead of that, it seems I have to go looking for him. And bumping my soul along the way against other people is what brought light on some facts: Royalty is not about wearing a crown, Just as ideals are not about fulfillment! They are mere guidelines on our way!