I will never be ensconced in charming lace valentine hearts candypink encased You will not see me withering away back of hand upon brow in fainting stance in a flowing silk dress swinging on a perfect bough For I am a river wild and true sometimes quiet sometimes roaring and soaring in shimmering hues: Blues and greens mixed with shades of earth, of fire bespeaking emotions in tones of desire My river can get messy can flood over too fast because my heartstrings get pulled by the strength of the blast It can bring up colored stones in its undertow fish and otters spinning in voodoo overflow
As the colors rise up in this heated coolness, this deluge the influx overwhelms me with a power so huge and then I need some metallics, flecks of silver and gold to soothe passion's piquancy when it gets particularly bold Specked within rocks to ground me, keep my feet on the soil prevent my heart from slipping down into a choking, hot oil
Bronze minerals reflect peaks of sadness, searing pain from rawness of hurt with no one to blame Yes, it can be a balm and also a burn to be so linked by spirit-threads to another, in emotions that churn just on the brink but never truly there to experience the fullness of rush ripe culmination abundant and lush
and that's when the river turns into molten lava... and I must dig deep under layers of ancient strata seeking relief in coolness of earth as my spirit again undergoes a kind of rebirth For when we grow to love strange things happen, indeed In the core of my essence you are the root of my seed