I don't care what people think. They can talk funny about that and leave. I know you don't want to fall in love or you don't let yourself to. Or maybe I'm not the right one for you, and you don't feel the same as I do. Love can be tricky, you know. Anyway, this is not a love letter. So I won't tell you about how you actually did make outer space collides in my eyes when I met you and the butterflies in my tummy dance when you looked at me. And how you made my heart stop beating for a few second when you smiled. No, I won't tell you stuff like that. But anyway, you actually did those things to me but I won't tell you about it. I swear I never do that. I want you to know it by yourself, without people telling you and without me trying to confess. You have to find it alone. I know maybe you guys catch it as a part of cheesy things. But it's true. It truly works and is based on a true story.