her wishes she guards, like every beat of her heart; and plans too far off she easily discards.
they offer comfort, no cure, t'is the best they can find; she calls it quality assured, takes it one day at a time.
tomorrow a hope, next week is a prayer; living forward with foresight, she's had years to prepare.
unfettered by limits, her mind now unchained; free from constraints, she's gained... far and away!
with joy she embraces every hour she outlives, with nothing to lose she has everything to give!
each night gives her sleep, rest reserved for the brave, her future she's glimpsed, she lives free...
*post script.
this one feels undone, and yet i have nothing more on the subject. i suppose it just means the end, like life, remains unknown... unwritten.
Memorial Day brings with it a somber hush; a reminder of sacrifices past... a realization of more to come. as i have written here before, none of us gets out of here without any scars; and though we are living longer today than at any time previous in history, the mortality rate still stands firmly... almost resolutely... at one hundred percent! this then begs a question- would i live differently, if i knew just how numbered my days were... and what keeps me from living that way today?