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May 2016
Somehow even in death my spirit lingers
My tremulous spirit as the tassles on a purple curtain
My dreams which consume me are airy thoughts of substance
Pulled in by hungry fingers and engraved upon the stone
Once I was water
But I died that past life as something to make you drown
Next I was evaporation
The wetness that I left exposed to brilliant suns
Then I became the clouds
Your eyes are skies and I pass them in different forms
Last I became the rain
And as I fall from uncertainty your skin feels all of me
I cover every inch of you
I am the red dress that you wear
Still, bones are bones
And bones are brittle
They live by magnificent half-lifes in our world
And then fall into the ever expanding ground
Its not a meaning
Its just the feeling going around
Round as the circle I try to draw
An inexplicable bridge to cross the ocean
An impossible feat of engineering and imagination
And always in all ways leading me
My feet
My staunch and heavy heart
My hair meant to be one of the first sights of your morning
My skin, and sin, and my repentance
My liberation, my salvation
The way no one else can touch me
No one else can save me
And no lover ever lived
Could wear the red dress the way you do
Get wet!!!!
Written by
Torin  charlotte NC
(charlotte NC)   
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