like the first time we learned to ride a bike without the training wheels. we were so happy when we knew how to maneuver along the way without us or anyone getting hurt
and the first time we got a henna tattoo it looked permanent and beautifully-inscribed on the inside skin of our arms it felt like it could last forever as long as we looked at it
and the first time we kissed someone on the lips we could never forget that memory it felt like it lasted for years in our minds every single day we thought about that person it had all felt softer than of marshmallows and milk under sunshine, it tasted better
and the first time we heard our favorite song as it played in the background of a movie scene the lead actors were looking at the horizon figuring out their feelings for each other it was a beautiful thing to witness, and hear at the same time that somehow in our messed up minds it managed to seep through and stay as soon as we searched for the lyrics
first times, that's just what they are the times when something good and important occurs in a timepiece in our lives worthy to hold on to, worthy to outlast more glorious memories far-off better than the first time