So strange, it was dark in the white room People pondered over marshmallow figures all stood in a straight line That one at the end, it has eyes So it has Godlike, we bow in awe Hundreds and thousands applaud in unison Chocolate legions stand routed The eyes have vanished Death searches in the night Jelly baby heads abandoned as mothers cry in colour Candy fish lead the cortege as the night floats downstream One jelly baby saved Adopted Tobleronian Somethings brewing Death in the afternoon God speaks Go forth to jelly mountain Hundreds and thousands follow Tobleronians in hot pursuit Parting of the waves Plague the Pharaohs army He leaves the smarties To climb jelly mountain God gifts him tablet for the journey down The smarties have built a chocolate idol Furious he breaks the tablet in two With the Tobleronians on one side Smarties on the other He came to his only conclusion on jelly mountain You just can't get the Staff.