My Insecurity: I overthink everything. And i do it all the time. From thinking i said, or did something wrong all the time. I am always thinking i am not good enough. That i am worthless. I am always down-grading myself. My thoughts rule me. From years of people calling me fat, ugly, not good enough. I now believe those words. I always think those thoughts. But i want to rise above them. To be a stronger, healthier teenage girl. I want to be happy. I am ready to be happy.
Share your's:
I am not my ___. (insert insecurity.)
This project is about sharing peoples insecurities without actually showing them. Showing people that behind societies lies, everyone is human. And i wanted to do something similar. And as i researched this project, i became very interested with the pictures. I urge you to check out the website and the pictures.