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Apr 2016
Christ in the morning.
    Christ in the afternoon.
     Christ as night falls.
      Christ in all time zones.

Cares and sorrows
    may last for the
     rest of my life.
I will not lose faith.
    I will not succumb
     to be one of the sheep
      following a path
       away from God.

Like a child,
     I will submit.
Prepare myself
     to be with Him.

When they close
    the lid of my coffin,
     it will not define me.
It will not matter.
    I will not be in
     the carcass they
      will mourn over.

Fear not that some
    will weep for me.
Or that others
     will proclaim
      I am with death.
I shall be with Christ.
    Jesus summons me,
     so to Him I shall go.

As the clouds gather
     in the skies above me.
As the shadows fall
     on this momentary
      place of suffering.
As the sun and moon
     travel in their
      day and night rituals,
       Christ will be with me.

I fix my eyes not
    on what I can see,
     for that is temporary.
I shall embrace
    what is unseen,
     for that is eternal.

Christ in the morning.
    Christ in the afternoon.
     Christ as night falls.
      Christ in all time zones.

I am reconciled
    with the fate
     pronounced upon me.
      I am ready
       for what is to be.

He is stronger
     than the cancer cells,
He is triumphant
     over my illness.

It is what it is.
It will be as it will be.

Christ in my prayers,
      Christ with me.
Chris G Vaillancourt
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